The Kahana Reef Board of Directors has determined that the replacement and/or refurbishment of all the cast iron drain pipes must be done due to age and deterioration. This includes all horizontals, verticals and shower, bathroom sink and toilet connectors. The work will be scheduled and completed 2 stacks at a time. Work will begin on the first set of stacks approximately May 1, 2014. The order of stacks is determined by condition. The worst condition drain pipes being fixed first, and so on, barring any emergency. Access to these cast iron drains is through the interior of the individual units. There will be detailed information provided by the end of January. This information will address the scope of access based upon specific floors. Not all floors require the same scope of access. The fourth floor requires the least amount of access, the third and second floors require equal amounts of access (but more than the fourth floor and less than the first floor) and the first floor requires the most amount of access. Future information will also address stack scheduling, estimated time of project, water shut off info, effected home use, etc. Information will be given on what to expect from the project and the Homeowners Association.